The work within the discipline of information visualization is to propose an interpretation of the data previously provided by the conductor of that discipline.
Accordingly, with the data mentioned eight images were developed using the software for this purpose ParaView (Parallel Application Visulaization) by Kinetic. With this tool we are entrusted the composition of ten images and always a concern and objective in the graphics options and filters used the data source information that is stored in them, such as temperature, humidity and wind speed.
These data address these measures on an isobaric surface of 500hPascal, which in meteorology is known as the "half atmosphere." Measurements were made between -45 ° and +45 meridians and the parallels of 80 and 20, at 12h, 18h and 24h on 5 April 2001, and the 6h and 12h of day 6 of the same month and year. The files are in ASCII format and required by VTK.

This illustration is composed of eight images where different filters were applied.
In first row of images was used the same background, were applied following filters to the whole range of images: Gliph; Contour; MeshQuality; curvature.
In second row of images were applied the following filters: Gliph; Contour; Threshold MeshQuality; was applied style of representation and visualization with fill areas and the maps were published in color temperature.

Authors: António Lopes - Rui Figueiras



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