Final sound work in the context of the Digital Music and Sound Disciplin, at the Master in Technology and Digital Arts, University of Minho, Portugal. Music composition and audio processing and masterization by João Martinho Moura.
This is an academic sound work in the Digital Music and Sound area, at the Master in Technology and Digital Arts, University of Minho, in the Sound discipline, were students are invited to produce an audio environment inspired by a film. All imagens sequences were obtained from the Apocalypto movie trailler (2006) from Mel Gibson. Some sounds in this audio project were captured by the students during the sound classroom. The music composition was made, track by track, using VST and AU virtual instruments, and sequenced in the Logic Pro from Apple. The sound concept of this project aims to explore the decline of the Mayan Empire, and it's extinction.
The audio track can be downloaded at Sound Cloud:
To watch the final video click here.



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